No Scarletts around here, but there's plenty of scarlet!
One of Dennis's ties is about right, so Mom made me model it. I hope you can't tell she never learned to tie a tie...
And no, these aren't my lounging pajamas, but one of Dennis's Hawaiian shirts that's about a thousand times too big on me.
We found a really red Christmas ornament that matches my red collar:
It's a bird -- it's a plane -- noo, it's a fake magnetic cardinal attached to one of the metal tiki torches on the deck railing. It's nice and green in the back yard and garden.
We have several birdhouses with license-type plates for a roof, and one of them is a Marines logo house ("ooo-rah!"). Nobody lives in it right now. Our Dr. Pepper birdhouse is occupied so I don't think the current occupants want us to take pics right now...
Mom even showed me some weird things that live in our garage... this thing helps Dennis pull out car engines!
Guess this thing is red so you can find it under all the junk!
If this weren't red we'd never find this either...
Hey -- it's a car! Wow!
This helps Mom and Dennis keep the dust down while they're working on the kitchen:
One of our favorite couch pillows:
The best for last -- a favorite Christmas card from our breeder!
Thanks to Blue who started this all, can't wait for next week!
We love the Christmas card! That's a keeper for sure!
Know what, Rudy? Mom doesn't know how to tie a tie either and every time she needs to put a tie on Mitch, she googles how to do it and presto! Thank doG for google!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That khard was pawesome!
Tank woo fur sharing your Skhah-lett!
We love the Christmas card and our DawgDaddy has those red thing in our garage too, only we're not allowed in there. Darn it!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors (signing under DawgMom's name, don't know why we can't sign under ours)
Hi, Rudy!
Good job with the scarlets!
You found a lot in your house!
Kisses and hugs
Wow Rudy...
That's one big heap 'o scarlet fer sure.....Pap has one of those motor lifts too and it's red and so is his tool box...ya did a great job of findin' red stuff but ya in the red tie was the bestest picture and our favorite....ya look like yer ready ta step out fer the evening....wonderful post....
Dewey Dewster here....
fantastic pics! we love the look of Bedlingstons! s & G
You look quite nice in a red tie!!!! Love A+A
That Christmas card is just loverly!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
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