Saturday, January 26, 2008

Playing with Stewie

These days there's not much to do around the house except when Mom takes me to my weekly agility class, so here's a little of what does happen around the house.

I'm still battling it out with Stewie -- Hey kid, I dare ya to take this bunny out of my mouth!


Here let me rough him up a bit for being such a wimp!

My mom Clancy in the background doesn't care if I'm bopping her grandson around, she's looking for a nice place to take another nap. Some Grandma she is!

The winner and still champ-een, ME!

Hey, the rumor is that Stewie might get another home next week! I heard Mom talking about it and if he's good and they like him, after a week they'll buy him! Oooohhh boy, I'm crossing my paws on this one! But Mom likes him an AWFUL lot.... she'll be sad! Stew will be 4 months old on Feb. 2nd. What a baby...

Meanwhile I'm bored -- somebody tag me I need something to do! Mom had videos taken of us last week at our agility class but she is clueless on how to post them. She's so dumb...



Dandy Duke said...

Hey, Rudy, write to us and we'll explain the video uploading process to you. My email addy is on the side bar on my blog!
We were at Sparky and Patches blog last night and they listed 100 things about themselves! That should take away the boredom thinking on that subject! hehehehe
Paw are crossed that Stewie gets his forever home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Rudy, you are really getting along well with Stewie! I'm surprised that that bunny is still in one piece...It's not that hard to upload a video on your blog. One you've uploaded your video, copy the EMBED code & paste the code in your new post. How to do it? Click the EDIT HTML button beside the COMPOSE button & then paste it were you want it to be. Hope you'll be able to do it!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mack said...

Oh..I bet you'll miss Stewie too if he leaves. Just a little maybe? He is an awfully cute pup!

If you're bored and want something to do, why not go to my bloggy and see about the fun Valentine's Day card exchange!

Joe Stains said...

Looks like total fun in your house!!!

powder-puff said...

Hey Rudy!

Nice to meet you!

I enjoyed scrolling through some of your blog, and i think you are a very handsome dog!!

stop by and see me sometime i would love to hear from ya!!

peace out

Patience-please said...

Oh we would love to play with you and that bunny too!!!

wags from the whippets