Well Rags is in his FOREVER HOME now. The people sent a check and now he's theirs to keep. He's got one other male dog to play with and his people are really happy. He's living down south of here, 30 miles below Washington, DC. Mom misses him but she's glad he's got a good home and the people are good to him.
I'm just as happy but I also miss him ---*only a little*!
He stole my women and toys all the time. Here he is with Clancy, Emmy, and a squirrel-y toy...
He stole my popcorn that I just know Mom would've let ME have...
Always had his eye on Josie even when he KNEW she was really my woman! Here she is in Rags' pen when she was in season and had to stay in during the day. At night she stayed in a crate. He's sneaking around the side to see if he can get in there and talk to her.
Josie says "Let me out!"
Oh and forget begging for things -- our noses looked so much alike Mom couldn't tell which dog was which!
Hey Mom, it's me! Don't you recognize your baby boy's nosie?
This is our last pic of me, Josie, and Rags in the kitchen. Mom had JUST mowed the yard and we all had very green legs... she had to bring him over the next morning to the breeder/groomer's with grass stains, but she bathed him before the new people came to get him. Can you not tell my people still haven't finished re-doing the kitchen? They are so lazy..
And hey -- big news -- you're going to be hearing from me much more often now. Today Dennis came home early and some guys came and installed 'high speed' so Mom can help me blog and it goes so much faster. She actually did all this in less than half an hour. WOW!!! It's about time; this staying up half the night on Fridays doing my blog was really boring! I have more pics and things to talk about!
Later sports fans!
We are so glad Rags got a forever home, how exciting for EVERYONE! And High Speed internet RULES!
Hooray for the high speed Internet, and oh dawg, Rudy Tootie, will you ever LOVE chasing the HIGH SPEED lure. It is the best thing in the world better than steak or rolling in buzzard poo. Honest.
wags from the whippets
That's great news! Oh, come on admit it. You miss him a lot don't ya???
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We're so glad that Rags got his forever home! You can always visit him if you miss him too much, Rudy! hehehe
You're going to love high speed! It's the only way to fly!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Rudy!
So glad Rags has a great new home!
I love those green legs!!
That is such good news..you get all the attention and Josie all to youwself. and Rags gets a gweat fuwwevew home!! I love happy endingses...!!!
I'm so glad you will be able to blog fastew and show youwself mowe!!!YEAH!!!!
hope you'we having a gweat weekend..Mommi thanks you fow youw undewstanding..she's twying some new meds yet again..cwoss paws, they wowk
smoochie kisses
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