Sorry for not posting sooner -- due to a lack of camera power, my indoor agility trials went un-documented the 10th and 11th, but we did REALLY WELL so I have to show the booty I got to take home! I got a little tiger stuffie to play with, too. I should have 4 ribbons but Mom didn't realize we'd qualified in one class and never picked one up! I wish she'd read the rules before entering these things...
At first I was a little cranked up the first day so we didn't qualify until our 3rd class, the Pairs Relay, and we got 2nd place. Our partner was worried that her doggie Tara wouldn't like me, she didn't like many other dogs, but heyyyy, I'm so charming she didn't mind me at all! I ran pretty well in the other classes and can do the distance handling required in the Gamblers class, so Mom was happy with that.
Then on Sunday we really went to town and qualified in all 3 classes of the day! Plus 2 second place ribbons, so that was her Mom's Day present from me. A nice end to a rainy weekend... she bought me a teeter base to go with the teeter board we have at home. Maybe I'll get Mom to take pics of Bedlingtons on our new agility see-saw!
Had a busy day today, at least the people did. I was PROMISED we'd go to the Rally Obedience trial and debut at Rally Excellent, but Mom chickened out! She decided to sleep in instead... she is such a weenie about moving up a level, happens every time in any dog sport. She's got to stop being so Type A about this. I'm here for the fun!
So she got Dennis to go run errands with her and came back and they both spent the rest of the day outside doing yard work.
This is what Mom did to the junky far side of the garage, cleaned it up and got all the leaves and stuff out of the former day-lily bed. She says the wood and old windows are going to the dump when they can get there:
Meanwhile Dennis put up some new garage lights that are supposed to turn on when anyone moves outside. Wonder if that means doggies too?
He even put up a new downspout to replace the one we all tore off the garage when we smelled a chipmunk up in there one day. Oh was that ever fun! Josie had one end (shown here) and chewed it shut and the rest of us were barking at the other end and Mom had to shoo us away and get the little guy out! Looks like she's got another flower bed to clean out, too....
Josie here is hunting for critters in the garden fencing Mom threw over the fence while cleaning out the ol' day-lily bed!
Mom finally planted her peony that a friend gave her a cutting of last year. It's about time, it's almost ready to have flowers. It's in the 'new' day-lily bed. I wonder, if it's call a pee-on-ee, why can't we pee on it??? She fenced it off so we can't! That's silly...
We noticed the rhododendrons by the far side are in bloom! It's rained so much the flowers look great! I'm even smiling ---
Mom even got out the little raspberry cane that died in its pot last summer that came back to life, dug it a hole by the far fence and planted it. I have to check the hole in case something pops out I can chase:
In its new home there, getting a drink of water. It's in there somewhere! Again she fenced it off so we won't christen it. Ha!
Time for a hunting break in 'the jungle' next to the big veggie garden -- all this work is too much for me to take!
Josie brought a dead mole into the kitchen and left it for Mom to find this afternoon (eeek!) and I'm looking for more! No pics of that, we'll spare you ---
Meanwhile Dennis was putting up chicken-wire on the back fence in the big veggie garden so those mean old rabbits won't sneak in and try to eat stuff Mom's trying to grow, like lettuce. My people prefer home-grown lettuce when the bunnies allow! She's seen grown rabbits get through the wire fencing so they bought chicken wire to stop 'em. We'll see if that works --- Josie got a rabbit last summer that sneaked in. She thought that was great!
Whew -- supervising all this activity really wore me out. It's been so rainy lately everyone had to get the yard work started and do as much as possible. I'm pooped...
I hope Mom doesn't do much yard work tomorrow ---
(Mom's listening to a doo-wop Internet radio station and it's driving me nuts! She's so OLD sometimes...)
Oh Rudy..I am so glad to know that some other dog is worn out from supervising! It is such hard work. Me and Teka take turns napping and snoopervising. That way one of us is always watching what goes into the boxes!
Congratulations on the prizes. We hope muzzer can start some agility classes in Tn. She really needs the exercise.
OH yeah, and music is a big point of contention around here too. But my folks listen to Doo-wop, surfers, Mozart, jazz and (oh the humiliation!) Bluegrass. See why they liked it so well in VA?
Congratulations on all of your ribbons and even on your tiger stuffie, Rudy! We'd love to see your new agility see-saw!
Keep an eye out for those nasty bunnies! If anyone is going to eat the lettuce, let it be YOU!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congrats on your agility wins! looks like you guys were really busy in the yard for sure! Too bad you guys didnt get that chipmunk, I bet he would have been tasty!
Wow Rudy Tootes!! congrats on the HUGE HAUL! We like to help with the yard work, but the silly servant doesn't appreciate it. We dig her all sorts of holes, and all she does is fill them in and dig other ones. Go figure.
wags from the whippets
how dare ur mum missed out one of your ribbon! u had work so hard to earn every single of it..
btw... i'm sure next trial u will be eyeing for the blue ones.
Wow Rudy, you have been busy! Between working hard at winning ribbons and working hard at patroling the yard, you also have to supervise your humans. Whew- what a guy! And just as gorgeous as ever.
Hi Rudy Tootie!
All of a sudden I am craving a root beer float...wonder how that happened...Anyhoo congrats on your haul! I know your mom is very proud of you!!
And you're a gardener too. How cool!
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