Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh no not another one!

Hi gang ---

We seem to be stuck having a puppy in our midst. Mom seems to enjoy the little squirt a lot but we don't! He was here Tuesday and Wednesday nights, went back to the breeder's house, and now he's back as of Friday night 'til maybe Monday night. He's still such a pest but Emmy plays with him a little bit and I'm not so afraid that I won't stay in the same room with him, but I won't stay near him!

(the above pic is one of Josie's pups this summer 'cause Mom didn't get this new guy's pic downloaded yet. He looks very much like this one!)
Mom finally told us this puppy wasn't treated very nice in his new home so he started misbehaving, and after 2 weeks he came back to the breeder. So he's here learning how to behave and to trust again. That's when I started coming back into the same room with him, to keep an eye on the little guy. And he's another one of my latest nephews! He's my mom Clancy's grandson! He's almost as smart as I was as a young pup, but I never did learn to climb inside the refrigerator to look for goodies like he just did tonight!
Hope he doesn't keep doing that. He's running us all ragged but he's cute, Mom says. Someday maybe he'll get a new home, but right now he's enjoying being a puppy here.

Mom has been so so busy with getting ready for Christmas while working at the same time, she's so behind in her duties. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so they may not go out with the basset pack in the afternoon, but they will go to the Christmas party anyway. The bassets go after bunnies but bassets are pretty slow compared to bunnies. Those dogs couldn't be slower than our old pet bunny was... he stunk 'way before he even showed up!

Oh, and Josie and I sneaked into the living room tonight where all the presents are, and found some pet store goodies in a bag that weren't wrapped yet. I could just smell what we're going to get!
Don't tell MOM....


Saturday, December 15, 2007

7 of Life's Little Annoyances

Hi all!

Well while I'm waiting for Santa to come, I notice Butchy and Snickers have the 7 annoyances tag going on, so I guess I'll think of a few to blog with tonight. Mom cranked out some more DWB Christmas cards tonight and needs some rest, so I'll blog while she snoozes!

1) She doesn't take ME with her every time she goes out. Why I even go stand by the front door when I can sneak past the baby gate in the kitchen, and she makes me go right back to the kitchen and leaves without me. That's annoying.

2) Just like Butchy and Snickers, if I have to take a pill, all my housemates think they should get something too. Of course if THEY get a pill I certainly have to have something too, but I'm Rudy, I demand it!

3) Mom thinks she's a groomer or something and sometimes gives me a bath and blow-dry just like Linda our groomer. Linda does it so much better, so that's annoying.

4) When I go to agility class, I have to wait in a crate and I hate that! I have to be out and running around all the time, doesn't she know I don't want to WAIT.... Mom! I hate taking turns!

5) Last weekend Mom brought home a PUPPY to babysit! Need I say more. By the second day I was hiding behind the recliner so that little twerp wouldn't find me. None of us really like it when Mom babysits little puppies, even though this one was a nephew of mine. She loves it, we hate it.

6) Then Mom will go do something in the other room and close the baby gate so we can't follow her. She's been doing Christmas things and I can't join her so I have to stay in the den and kitchen area with the others and that's boring. I'm supposed to BE with her!

7) So if she sends us all outside to do our business in the back yard, and if I get my feet muddy by running around in the veggie garden, does that give her the right to give me a bath? I had fun, I don't want to end up in the laundry sink getting my legs wet! I'm pretty good about baths being an ol' show dog, but I'm semi-retired so I don't like baths just 'cause I get dirty.... I like dirty!

Most of the time my life is pretty good; we get lots of hugs, kisses, petting, nap time and goodies, so I'm not complaining. If I complain too much Santa will hear! (shhhh)


Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Christmas Serenade

Oh now I'm in the Christmas spirit! My Grandma Miz Mary found this tune for me somewhere, so with apologies to you all who might have seen this before, the girls and I feel like a serenade!

A Doggy Winterland (to the tune of Winter Wonderland)

Dog tags ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening.
It's yellow, NOT white, I've been there tonight,
Marking up my winter wonderland.

Smell that tree? That's my fragrance.
It's a sign for wandering vagrants;
Avoid where I pee, it's MY pro-per-ty!
Marked up as my winter wonderland.

In the meadow mom will build a snowman,
Following the classical design.
Then I'll lift my leg and let it go, Man,
So all the world will know that it's

Straight from me to the fence post,
Flows my natural incense boast;
Stay off of my TURF, this small piece of earth,
I marked it as my winter wonderland.
Author unknown

Enjoy -- Mom says she's almost ready with her cards, finally!

Rudy Claus

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Tag I'm It

OK now Mom has tortured me and my housemates once more with her incessant picture-taking, and I'm so bored I think I'll play a game now! Butchy and Snickers were tagged to do "Tag 7" so I'll do it too:

(link to their site) (Mom's so dumb so here's just their blog site)

Here are the rules for Tag 7:
* Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
* Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
* Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs.
* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

I have no idea who's been tagged or not so let's say anyone who wants to can join in!

7 Random or Weird Facts about Myself:

1. I like to sleep underneath the PC when Mom's helping me with my blog so in case she's got questions she can wake me up and ask.

2. I think Rudy Giuliani created his campaign website just to make all these cool items with MY name on them for me!

3. Every dog I meet can't believe I'm a dog, the herding breeds are convinced I'm a sheep! My mom Clancy was mistaken for a goat recently...

4. I have an older brother who's my exact twin except I have all this training and he doesn't. Mom can't even tell us apart!

5. I have children in Sweden, Denmark, Norway(I think) as well as the good ol' USA.

6. I'm in love with Shelties. I'm a sucker for cute little girls with long hair! (don't tell Josie) Springer Spaniels also ring my bells!

7. I can climb over our 5-foot tall backyard fence and nobody else can. Mom gets so mad at me for that! I hit it at 4 feet and climb over the rest, but only if a squirrel or rabbit make me do it. I'm very athletic for a slighty-shorter-than-16-inches guy.

That's all I can think of that's interesting. Oh, today Clancy went with Mom to an obedience trials in Maryland (Emmy and I went there last year) and she qualified in Rally Novice for the very first time! Clancy is the only one of us who doesn't have a Rally Obedience title yet. It's her turn now, she's already 11 years old.

Here's a pic of us gathered on the couch after this latest photo session. Mom wanted us all on our card; wonder which of the thousand pics she took she'll use before we all go blind...


(l to r: Emmy, Josie, the Christmas dog, me, Clancy, and our stuffed Bedlingon toy friend we're not allowed to play with)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Workin' on my card...

Hi gang!

I've been getting several Christmas cards this week and they're all wonderful! Tonight Mom and Dennis got us together and bored us with "sit here" "look over here" "no sit there" "lie DOWN" and so on. I had to wear this silly outfit and felt just ridiculous. Then they didn't like that so they brought in the girls and made THEM sit and lie down and do stupid things. I hope they figure this out soon! I want to go lie down and take a nap --

My friend on the right is a real live stuffed Bedlington doggie. There are actual stuffed Bedlington toys if you know the right people... they even made some puppies to go with them! Mom needs to learn how to turn off that dumb date in the corner of this picture. She is so non-technical for being a computer programmer!

Hopefully we'll get this sorted out in time for our card...


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Turkey Day Everyone

Well one day it's summer and suddenly it was Halloween and now Thanksgiving --- when you get older like me (age SIX now!) time just whizzes by..... and by that I mean flies by, not the regular doggie thing... (slight canine joke there!).

Anyway, this will be short, I noticed Asta had a cool link to a Peculiar Aristocratic Title site so I got mine and here it is!!!

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Very Sir Lord Rudy the Calm of Kirkby Overblow
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

What a mouthful! You think that's bad, well here is Josie's title -- I like hers better!

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Exalted Highness Duchess Josie the Surprised of Withering by the Wold
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

(giggle) Here's my doggie mom Clancy's title.. hey hers is similar to mine! It's only natural.
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Milady the Right Reverend Clancy the Spurious of Kirkby Overblow
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

I'm laughing already -- here's Josie's grandma Emmy's title:

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Most Noble Lady Emmy the Mellifluous of Buzzing St Helens
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Heh, heh -- thanks Asta for finding such an entertaining site! Hope everyone has some turkey tomorrow. I've trained Mom and Dennis for just such an occasion. You simply lay your head in their laps and gaze up patiently with your cutest look. Works every time!

Turkey-fed Rudy

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's My Birthday, It's a Party....

Today (the 16th) is my birthday! Mom said she'd bring me goodies after work tonight and I was so excited. Since her birthday is a week before mine, she got a cake and put her name and mine on it. Isn't that cool! She put a copy of the AKC Gazette next to it 'cause this month's issue has a Bedlington on the cover. It's not me unfortunately, but that's something for a rare breed like ours to be on the magazine cover.

Mom made me wear my birthday hat even at dinner, so here I am being a good birthday boy and eating my supper. In order to have our ice cream, we had to eat dinner first like good little boys and girls... sigh ....

Of course we all had to pose in front of the cake, and Mom got Dennis to keep order while we all posed, or someone would try to rush the cake and get the first piece. From left to right, here is Emmy, Dennis, me with birthday hat, my doggie mom Clancy, and Emmy's granddaughter Josie who is eyeing that fake turkey on the table. The humans put a question mark candle on the cake 'cause if you combined my age in human years and Mom's age, you would wonder, too!

And here we are like hogs at the trough, eating our Frosty Paws doggie ice cream. The cake turned out to be a human ice cream cake, so we couldn't have any. This stuff is just as good and better for us! Mmm mmm is it good. This is Emmy, Clancy, Josie, and me, still in the silly hat.

Here Emmy shows her true colors by sticking her head into Clancy's bowl and eating HER ice cream. What a pig! She wasn't even finished with hers! She knows better than to get into Josie's or my bowls. She and Clancy go 'way back to their kennel days, so they're very competitive with each other. Sheesh, girls, grow up!

So here I am after the big ice cream fest, with my presents and a beer bottle, ready for the big poker party and beer bash at Scruffy and Lacy's, contemplating my next move. I got some Busy Bones to nibble on while I beat everyone at poker. First they have to teach me how to play! Mom ordered me these cool glasses with my name on them. How cool is that! You know somebody put out this website with Rudy stuff on it, and I can get all sorts of stuff with my name on it. Just in time for my birthday.... sweet! I love it! There's so much stuff there I could run for President --- now there's an idea!

Well, off to the poker party!



Saturday, October 20, 2007

Airedales in Action!

Hi all!

I'm back -- I was at an agility trials earlier this month in Pennsylvania but Mom was too tired and lazy to update my blog. We were hoping to get more pictures back from the trials but they just haven't come. So to entertain everyone I thought we'd show some pictures Mom was able to take of other dogs, which wasn't very many 'cause her digital camera was dying. (did I tell you she hates that thing???)

It was a fun time for me and Mom, but Emmy had the most fun. She did so well the first day, getting ribbons in her Novice runs, Mom moved her up to Open Jumpers and by the third day she won another ribbon! Hmpf, I bet she doesn't get good enough to run with me in Excellent!
(Mom: famous last words -- she may be slower but she's accurate)

Here are some pics of the Airedales running the Excellent course one day that I also did. They had a lot of fun -- this was agility for terrier breeds only so the Airedales were the tallest dogs out there.

This was the beginning of the course, jump through the tire. Look at this guy go! The posts before the tire jump hold the electronic timer equipment so they can time us as we run around. The same thing is set up on the last jump. I'm usually flying by then!

Now they're really moving here. Aires are so much taller than we Bedlingtons they have to jump higher. I think this one is going over 20 inches, but another guy was doing 24 inches while I was only doing 16 inches. Huh -- just watch, I could do 20 inches if they'd let me!

This guy on the left was the bigger Airedale and here he is going down the A-frame. Next he'll have to go in the tunnel end closest to the handler which you can hardly see in the corner of the picture. This was fun for me!

Here he comes out of the tunnel. He's happy!
He had to swing really wide to get up that ramp.

Now this is what I'm talkin' about! The smaller Airedale is turning really fast out of the tunnel.

The person in the green shirt on the right was the judge. She stood out there all day long watching about 200 dogs run like this. I get tired just thinking about it! There was another judge in the other ring doing the same thing too.

We did manage a shot of another Bedlington getting ready to do a round. This is Mom's friend from Boston who brought her Titus and Poppy to run. Poppy is Emmy's granddaughter who runs in Novice. Here is Titus getting set up to run in Excellent. There would be more pics of Titus and Poppy but Mom's camera died!

There were Wire Fox terriers, Border terriers, Westies, Scotties, AmStaffs, Norfolks, Norwich, you name it, they were there. We like it there a lot!

We ran agility for 3 days and we were pooped after that. Mom spent all of Columbus Day weekend recuperating. I've been doing more agility classes and we've got one more trials this year probably.

Have a good weekend!
Runnin' Rudy

Friday, September 28, 2007

Jump that Ring Fence!

(Phoned in by Rudy)

Hi guys!

I was at a dog show today, 'way out west of home about an hour, and I had a fun time. Mom brought me out there early and it was raining on the way out, but not when we got to the showgrounds. We parked in a big field and she wanted to practice some more obedience, but there were so many smells in that field (GROUNDHOG!!!) it was hard for me to concentrate.

Finally I got the idea but only after the sun came out and dried out the grass and the good smells. We were going to do Rally Obedience! Oh, OK... it's not as much fun as agility or Earthdog, but here we go. Mom figured it out so she gave me a huge pep talk and acted like this was going to be some fun! Yea! I was pepped up!

Well I got so excited, we did the first few stations just fine and then we got to the left-hand corner of the ring. Mom was crowding me and trying to get me to do a 270 degree left turn , and her left arm went out like she wanted me to go away, and so over the ring fence I went! That was fun! This was an off-leash test so I was free to go anywhere. Mom was kind of shocked and called my name -- oops, isn't that what you wanted??? So I popped back over and she got me to try that turn again. Oh geez, I hoped we weren't eliminated for that. We did the rest of the test just fine and when we finished, the judge told her we were OK since I came right back and started working right away. That made Mom feel better.
Some bad doggie that came after us thought what I did was cool, so HE jumped the ring fence but HE didn't come back. He ran around and around and around! Ohhh they didn't get to try that again... they had to leave.

I ended up scoring 90 out of 100 and getting third place. That was great! I got a lot of treats for that. My 'fan club' was really pleased! (yes I have groupies.. heh heh) I had to go with my breeder after that and do conformation showing and guess what -- I got Best of Breed and followed that up with a Group 3! (3rd best in the Terrier group). They all love me now!

(I'm spending the weekend with the breeder and her show buddies so I'm dictating this to Mom tonight. I'll be glad to get home, they don't treat me like royalty over there...)


(Mom speaking: Rudy's mom Clancy and Auntie Em couldn't be less impressed tonight)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Competition

You know, as much time as Mom spends with us and ME in particular, you'd think we (meaning I) would be tops on her list. Ohhh no, my friends, there's someone else lurking in the background we don't know much about! I have the proof right here --- it's a big stinking animal called a HORSE.

I saw some pics on her camera and there's the culprit! Sometimes she goes out on a weekend and spends hours away and comes back smelly and hairy sometimes, hairs that look like they come from this big thing! Old Nathan used to tell me she had another "H" animal hidden away which had white hairs and she'd go out after work and spend time with that creature, even more than she does now. I'm telling you, you have to watch your people 'cause sometimes they don't tell you everything they do!

Look at this -- it doesn't care that I'm jealous! I don't speak horse -- what is it saying here???

Mom didn't go out and spend time with the HORSE this weekend... she was sick today so she spent a lot of time in bed this morning sleeping. Uncle Dennis is sick too but he got up earlier, so Mom and I just slept late. He was too sick to go to the party they were going to attend so Mom went by herself and came back feeling worse. Huh -- at least she didn't go see that evil animal that takes time away from me!

Josie's been sick too, she coughs a lot. She feels OK and I don't understand why Emmy can't go to the Earthdog test tomorrow because of her coughing ... I know why I can't go, I have to stay beautiful for the dog shows next weekend. By then Josie ought to be over her coughing and I can go. People have weird reasons for doing things! Don't even try to understand, guys.....

Here's Josie trying to kiss up to me --- Women!!! Human or dog, I don't understand them.

Oh, and hey you -- don't let me keep you awake or anything! (did I mention it's also a female horse????) I'm surrounded by women! sheesh ---



Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Award

Hi everyone!

Mom said if I was quick she'd let me use the PC tonight and post something. I got something in the mail from the breed club which we didn't expect -- an award!
Someone did a lot of research online (hmmm.. Mom says she did it) and came up with a big list of all the Bedlingtons that competed in Obedience and Rally Obedience nationwide in 2006, and guess what! I was awarded Top Rally Obedience Dog for Novice A in 2006! It's the beginner level but I scored the best overall. How about that?

We've been working on more Rally Obedience this summer in class and Mom signed us up for another class starting next week. We're entered in Advanced A at an obedience trials later on this month which is the next level up from Novice. It's off-leash this time (Novice is on-leash) so it's a little scarier for Mom! I did well in our last class of the last session and we got a score of 92, placing 3rd in the class behind a couple of good dogs. Mom didn't even know the teacher was going to judge us!

I had a little adventure this past weekend. On Saturday Mom took me with her out front to get the newspaper and she went in the house. She really doesn't remember taking me back inside with her! I didn't care -- I was sniffing out those sneaky chipmunks and skinks that live in the bushes by the house. Before I knew it my nose led me to the neighbors' yard. They were having a yard sale and I had fun visiting with everyone! The little girls got a leash that they have for their big Labrador and put it on me and brought me back home. Mom laughed when she came to the door, asking if they had a doggie for sale! She didn't seem mad but I bet if she realized I was gone she'd be flying outside looking for me... she just spent some time scratching her head like it would help her remember how I got out of the back yard -- IF I were in the back yard in the first place! She's losing it....

Meanwhile I'm going to pose with my new 'award'. What -- no cookies?



Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Doggie Days of Summer

Hi all,

Not much is happening around the house these days, so I thought you'd all like to see me when I do well at Earthdog -- I get a ribbon and a picture with Mom and the judge! This was the first weekend in July in New Jersey, and I finally followed the rules and qualified in Senior Earthdog (after creating my own rules all weekend in everything else!). I must have had a lot of fun, my nose is extra brown from all the dirt in the tunnel! It sure was hot, but it's always hot at that Earthdog test.

Josie had her own Earthdog adventure this morning -- she jumped and killed a rabbit in Mom's big veggie garden as the people were getting ready for work. Too bad Mom didn't have that camera ready -- Josie was SO DIRTY, Mom had to drop everything and rinse her off in the laundry tub besides having to dispose of the rabbit, assess the damage to the garden, and change her formerly white shirt to something clean! Mom thinks the pepper plants will survive, they weren't too beat up.

I had to come and look at the bunny -- yep it was dead. That makes it two rabbits, a bird, a young squirrel, and who knows what else this year for Josie. She doesn't always tell Mom what she catches outside... this is all Mom knows about. She's a one-Bedlington wrecking crew!

Well I'm feeling great now that I've been on meds for this Lyme disease. I went to agility class this past week and didn't miss a beat, so Mom's got me going to an all-day training workshop Aug. 11 and then 2 days of trials Aug. 18-19. Yea! I'm going to love it.

Stay cool everyone!

p.s. Isabella helped put up my Rockin' Dog Blogger sign! Thanks pal! I don't know very many doggies but I think Isabella's pretty rockin', so she should also be a Rockin' Dog Blogger, don't you think?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

New Front Door

Wow look what some strange guy came and did to our old front door! It smells like new fiberglass instead of old wood and steel, and when the storm door closes, it closes fast so you better be going! I of course had to be on guard for anything odd so while all this was going on the girls (Emmy, Josie, and my mom Clancy) slept in the den. That guy had a machine that made a heck of a noise, and then he was banging and hammering and nailing and using that noisy machine...! How can we get our beauty sleep around here?

So this is what it looked like after all that hammering and tearing ---- he ran away with our old door! Part of it is lying on the sidewalk. What did he do with the rest of it?

Like, who's going to clean up that mess? That guy sure is going to be in trouble with Mom when she sees this!

I had to come outside and check out the scene after he finished -- I think I scared the guy away! He wasn't such a bad guy anyway, he at least petted me. He kind of reminded us of the guy who plays the janitor character on TV's "Scrubs", only not as weird.

That was on Thursday, and this weekend Dennis has been busy painting the door and each side section dark brown. Looks like the old door now! Now there aren't any more drafts coming through which will keep us all warmer in the winter for sure, and the humans don't have to use that ugly yellow wood caulk in the cracks on the side sections anymore. Wonder what Mom will have done to the house next?

And I'm feeling better now that I've been on my antibiotics after the Lyme infection 2 weekends ago. I've been playing in the backyard and running around with Josie after rabbits.

I've also been awarded a Rockin' Dog Blogger award from Butchy. Ohh no, that means dumb old Mom isn't going to be able to figure out how to put it on my blog here. She might need my help --- I can do it Mom! At least I can give her hints, and more hints on who to give the award to... thanks for thinking about us Butchy! :)


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Doggone Summer....

It's summer and I'm so bored! Mom can't even get pictures loaded from Blogger so we're really in a pickle. And I haven't been feeling well either. We went to the agility trials near the house on July 7th and I had a sore leg --- turned out I tested positive for Lyme disease. Oh no! Now I have to take a pill every day and I CAN'T GO to my agility class this month. I'm so sad.... Josie tries to cheer me up but I'm worried. My leg feels better but what if M.O.M. (Mean Old MOM) won't let me go anymore? I love agility!

(M.O.M. says no more color switching it's making her crazy)

She and Dennis took Josie and me to a doggie fair yesterday and they had a Pet Communicator there who talked to me. First thing she said was that I was achy and sore in my knees and elbows. M.O.M. was surprised she said that 'cause I did have a sore leg the week before. I hate cats (duh) and I don't like that new doggie bed 'cause it has a chemical smell. Well the people I live with are so dense, can't they tell that doggie air mattress has a plastic smell? Don't I lay on the floor instead of that bed if everyone else is hogging the other beds? The best thing about that fair was the Bobbing For Hot Dogs game. I liked that! I grabbed hot dogs out of the water if they would stay afloat but Josie dunked her head up to her eyes to get them. She's a pig!

Well maybe M.O.M. can figure out what Blogger is doing to her, meanwhile stay COOL!

Blue (sad) Rudy

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Day the Water Died

I'm baaack! Mom hasn't let me on the PC in a while; she's been busy and actually had to go to work on Saturday so there went the entire weekend. She promised me we were going to the agility trials up in Maryland this weekend but she worked and then got too tired to take Emmy and me today (Sunday). I'm so disappointed!

Anyway, I wanted to show you what happened the day we got our water pipe replaced that goes to the house. One day in May our water died... it really did! The old gray plastic pipe from the street to the house broke somewhere and for six days Mom gave us store-bought bottled water to drink. She said it was like camping out in our own house and she hated it! I didn't see any difference really, except for that yummy bottled water!

So one day Mom stayed home and didn't go to work and these strange men came and dug up the front yard. Here they are working hard making piles of dirt. Even I can't dig up that much dirt! We have some really hard clay to dig up around here.

Well I kept an eye on them in case they pulled any funny stuff. I'm the big bad protector of the house and I'm here to see everyone behaves themselves....

Emmy and Clancy couldn't be bothered with all the commotion and slept in the den where Mom was most of the day, and Josie was out at Linda's house with her baby puppies at the time, so it was all up to me!

I looked outside and this is what they put in the big hole they dug right next to the house. All that noise and work for that little pipe thingy? Then they put the dirt back in and the plumber guy worked on some pipes in the basement (I came and watched him too) and then they all left! I was happy about that but Mom was happier. That's when we started drinking tap water again and Mom and Dennis started using the shower at home. I was wondering why they weren't smelling bad with no water around! People should live more like dogs 'cause they sure make a fuss about little things. I don't need a bath every day! Mom says she needs a bath a LOT more than I do. Whatever....

I understand this was a lot of money but it was covered by insurance so Mom wasn't too upset. Now we'll have water for a long long time!

Next time I'll show you the weekend Josie's puppies stayed at our house. Ohh they were so bad! They've all grown up and left for their new homes now (yea!) but Mom's sad they're gone.

Who's sad -- I'm glad!



Friday, June 8, 2007

Baby Puppy Pictures --- Awwww

Well here's what everyone's waiting for, new pics of Josie's puppies who are now 6 weeks old. Mom says they're coming to visit us on Sunday but that's the day we're going to the dog show so Uncle Dennis will have to babysit them. Ha! But then next weekend we have them for 4 days. Oh no! Not puppies! Mom just loses her brains when puppies are around. I just want to hide!

Here's a closeup of one of the little suckers. They sure are dark little balls of fur! Kind of reminds me of Josie when she came to live with us. I was afraid of her! She had a big attitude and none of us wanted to play with her except for Mom. After 10 days of hiding in the kitchen I came out and started to play and she was and still is my great playmate. She's almost white right now 'cause when girl Bedlingtons have puppies their hair turns whiter than normal. Yeah I get it -- kids make your hair turn gray! (heh heh)

This is what they looked like at 4 weeks old. Not quite as hairy and a little bit smaller. Mom thinks they're so adorable -- was I ever that small? Naaah...

And this is what a couple of pups at 4 weeks look like together -- mostly head!!

One more pic for the road. This is what these puppies love to do most of all, eat their Mom's food. Josie gets so irritated at them, she's always hated it when anyone eats her food. Those puppies are learning fast that their Mom won't stand for that. We learned! Linda shaved their tails in different patterns to tell them apart; she always does that. This one looks like she has a lion tail.

Hope you enjoyed the show! Maybe next time Mom will show more pictures of ME since it's MY blog after all.... (sniff)


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Tummy Tagged and My Busy Weekend

So now I got tummy-tagged. Just so happens we have some pics of tummies. This is my imitation of our friend Mr. Possum.
Who is more awake?

And this is Miss Josie getting into the action with a tummy shot of her own! She had plenty of
tummy to show at the time, about two weeks
before her puppies came. What a belly!

We just got back from New Jersey for another Earthdog test weekend. Saturday morning Mom and Dennis got us up at 4 AM (what????) and we left about 4:45 and drove up about 3.5 hours to Miss JoAnn's place where we have so much fun! Mom entered me in Master and Senior and that was twice the fun... In Master I got to run around in the field and check out the scents and managed to stay out of the woods for once and listen to Mom. I had a Border Terrier as a partner and he barked at the rats at the entrance to the tunnel first. Oh poo, I saw them first but I always try to find another way to sneak up behind them so I run around a lot. They always let the first dog to bark or dig at the rats at the tunnel entrance get in the tunnel first.

I had to get chained to a stake and stand around with Mom while the Border got to have fun first! They move the rat cage to the end of the tunnel before they let us in. Mom hides my face but I KNOW what they're doing! When it was my turn I raced into the tunnel and got to the end in SIX seconds and barked and dug holes in front of those rats. That ol' Border Terrier can't beat that! Both of us got a ribbon from the judge, we were that good. Made Mom happy.

Then I got so happy I totally messed up the Senior tunnel, but I had to have some fun. I backed out of the tunnel too soon and whizzed around the test area for a while and popped back in to yell at the rats again. Mom was rolling her eyes, but what could she do. She can't say anything it's against the rules. I wasn't playing by no stinking rules! wheeeeeee!

Emmy and Clancy played in the Intro tunnel, the simplest one (those wimps) but they're girls and pretty sissy if you ask me. They tried the next higher level, the Junior tunnel but they said it was too hot and they didn't feel like working. Who's working? I'm having fun!!!!! I like wasting Mom's entry money!

Dennis set up the tent and we slept there for the night. I think I heard snoring.... the people were tired.... so were we!

The next day (today) I didn't feel like sticking to the rules either, so I basically ran around like a fool when I could. In Master I ran into the woods and found a woodchuck hole but nobody was home, but that's not what I was supposed to do. I'd rather play with the 'chucks!!! Mom was so busy with me she had to get Dennis to run Emmy and Clancy, who played better in Intro but Emmy was the only one who got a ribbon for being good. My mom Clancy did get to play in Master 'cause they needed a spare dog to make up a pair for a Masters run (an odd number of entries needs a 'bye' dog and Clancy was available since she has a Master title already). Mom didn't think she'd do anything 'cause she hasn't done Master in a long time, but at least she went in the tunnel. Dennis had to run Clancy 'cause Mom was busy with me.... and rolling her eyes! Maybe now Mom will let Clancy play in Master again.
Clancy just hates those baby lower-level tunnels and wants to run with the big boys!

So after a big weekend we need a rest. This is what we do after a long hot weekend harassing those rats...


Good night!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

My Celebrity Look-Alike

Hi everyone!

Mom says I've been tagged again -- we had to come up with what celebrity I look most like. Guess which one I look like in these pictures!! When Mom was a little girl she used to watch Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop on TV in Minnesota, and she says I look most like Lamb Chop. I don't know about that but I think Shari Lewis is cute! The pic on the left is her daughter and ol' Lamb Chop. I know LC misses her mom now but Shari's daughter Mally takes good care of her. I've even heard of a Bedlington named Lamb Chop. Who knew!

I sort of thought I looked like John O'Hurley from "Dancing with the Stars" and "Seinfeld" (as J. Peterman) with the silver hair -- he's debonair and soooo good looking. Mom's a huge fan of "Dancing" but we can't get a picture to post tonight -- you'll just have to look him up on the web! Mom saw him in person a couple of years ago at a dog show where he was a host on TV, and he's even better looking in person! (or so she says)

There's still more stuff to talk about so I'll leave you all in suspenders (haha) 'til I write again...


Friday, May 18, 2007

Posting at Long Last

What -- Oh my it has been a while since I blogged last! Where has the time gone. I'll tell you where, it's gone to Mom's bad knee that's where! That's all she thinks about, not about me! There's so much to talk about and she's going to physical therapy, she's taking a nap, she's going to work.... then lets Uncle Dennis hog the PC in the evening. I might as well lie in bed and read magazines and wear Dennis's glasses! Man, how does he see ANYTHING in these things?
(blink blink)

Well --- Josie's puppies have their eyes open and can wobble around and be puppies, but Mom hasn't gotten any good pics of them right now... She's just useless I tell you!

Emmy's and my trip to the elementary school to show them how we do agility went well. Mom didn't go but of course she didn't get a copy of that picture either. I'm so mad at her! The kids loved getting a turn running us through the 2 jumps and a tunnel. We both love kids and were just in doggie heaven with all those 10-year-olds.

And we went away to an Earthdog weekend last weekend. I forgot how much fun it was! While we were there Mom got us a couple of fancy Earthdog collars and a leash to match. Aren't I handsome in it, plus the doggie bandana with the rat applique??? Sorry this doesn't show the rat on the pic very well, but you get the idea.

Here is the entrance to where they had the Intro tunnel area on Sunday. There are a couple of dogs waiting their turn and they look excited! Emmy and my mom Clancy got to go there on Sunday and they did well. I was in the Senior class both days and had lots of fun, but couldn't get past that first turn in the tunnel entrance somehow, so I backed out and ran in the other entrance and tunneled up to the rats and hurled insults at them! I didn't get a ribbon but it was a terrible lot of fun.


And here we are waiting for Mom and Uncle Dennis to finish packing up the tent into the Jeep so we can all go home! (l to r: Clancy, Emmy, and me)

So much more to talk about; it's time for bed now!
