OK now Mom has tortured me and my housemates once more with her incessant picture-taking, and I'm so bored I think I'll play a game now! Butchy and Snickers were tagged to do "Tag 7" so I'll do it too:
(link to their site) (Mom's so dumb so here's just their blog site)
Here are the rules for Tag 7:
* Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
* Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
* Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs.
* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
I have no idea who's been tagged or not so let's say anyone who wants to can join in!
7 Random or Weird Facts about Myself:
1. I like to sleep underneath the PC when Mom's helping me with my blog so in case she's got questions she can wake me up and ask.
2. I think Rudy Giuliani created his campaign website just to make all these cool items with MY name on them for me!
3. Every dog I meet can't believe I'm a dog, the herding breeds are convinced I'm a sheep! My mom Clancy was mistaken for a goat recently...
4. I have an older brother who's my exact twin except I have all this training and he doesn't. Mom can't even tell us apart!
5. I have children in Sweden, Denmark, Norway(I think) as well as the good ol' USA.
6. I'm in love with Shelties. I'm a sucker for cute little girls with long hair! (don't tell Josie) Springer Spaniels also ring my bells!
7. I can climb over our 5-foot tall backyard fence and nobody else can. Mom gets so mad at me for that! I hit it at 4 feet and climb over the rest, but only if a squirrel or rabbit make me do it. I'm very athletic for a slighty-shorter-than-16-inches guy.
That's all I can think of that's interesting. Oh, today Clancy went with Mom to an obedience trials in Maryland (Emmy and I went there last year) and she qualified in Rally Novice for the very first time! Clancy is the only one of us who doesn't have a Rally Obedience title yet. It's her turn now, she's already 11 years old.
Here's a pic of us gathered on the couch after this latest photo session. Mom wanted us all on our card; wonder which of the thousand pics she took she'll use before we all go blind...
(l to r: Emmy, Josie, the Christmas dog, me, Clancy, and our stuffed Bedlingon toy friend we're not allowed to play with)