Here we are, best friends, waiting for the fun to begin. Bring on the ice cream Mom!
So now it's Miss Josie's turn to model the Birthday Hat and except for the lack of lighting she looks rather sharp in it!
Hogs at the trough ----
Mom had bought us some special Frosty Paws ice cream this time. They had some Peanut Butter flavored stuff and I never had that before! Ohhhh dog was that ever good! Here's Josie savoring the moment:
And finally here's Emmy showing us how much she REALLY LIKED that ice cream!!! Gene Simmons has nothing on her -- talk about your tongue shots. Stick that back in your mouth you naughty girlie! I'm so embarrassed.
Oh and you would never guess what Mom did to us tonight. She brought home ANOTHER dog to foster for a little while! He's 6 months old, he's a Bedlington but not related to us, and he's taller than I am! What the...? This one's problem is that he tears up his house, but tonight he didn't have the opportunity. We kept him busy playing games and he was too wiped out at bedtime to chew on anything. I can't believe it... another dog!! We'll have pics later.
Happy Birthday Josie!!
Oh, Happy Barkday Josie! Mmm, fuuuurosty paws, mah favorite too! Oh no, another puppy? You must be having a headache now, kekeke!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Frosty paws,,,,,YUM!
Happy B-day Josie!
Happy birthday, Josie! Frosty paws are the best! We can't wait to hear more and see pictures of this new foster!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy happy birthday Josie! And good luck with the new pain in the... er foster pup!Your human sure has a great big heart!
wags from the whippets
Happy late Birfday Josie!!! You look vewy spiffy in youw Birfday hat!! and I hope all of you enjoyed the tweats!
smoochie kisses
Hi again Rudy,
I don't think my mom and I have ever met a terrier like you in person. You are super handsome and cute!
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