Friday, February 15, 2008

Meet Rags

Here he is -- this is Rags, our newest boarder doggie. He's here 'cause they say he tears up things. You'd never guess he was only 8 months old by the looks of him, he's a big boy! He likes to stare at the camera --- those green eyes are scary! (just camera flash)

He's so big he makes me feel little and old --- I'm in the background here. He's still staring at that camera!

He doesn't bother me much but he's so in love with Josie, he spends most of his time hanging around her. He bugs her a lot! Well, who wouldn't fall in love with Josie, I think she's hot!
Here he is in the blue collar with Josie, bugging her Grandma Emmy. Looks like he's kissing her kissing Emmy!

So far the worst thing he chews up is our toys. He's a shredder! He likes to shred the newspaper in his pen, but basically he's a pretty normal boy. He just fits right in; nothing complicated about ol' Rags! He's here 'til about the 22nd, then he'll go back home. Then I can go back to being the TALLEST dog in the house again! See how tall I can sit????

Oh, Mom says I can have another girlfriend this spring. My breeder told her that when her girl Mischief comes into season she was going to call me to come visit! Ohh boy I'm excited! I have a special smoking jacket I can wear when I meet the ladies. I look pretty sharp in it -- I'll have to get Mom to take a picture!
Don't tell Josie though -- she's the jealous type. Shhhhhh....

Till next time!

p.s. I hear Stewie is doing great in his new home!


Asta said...

It's so nice of you to let doggies come and stay with you..I bet RAgs will have a gweat time and I'm so happy that youw last cutie went to a gweat home

If you come and visit me you'll see what a good skiiew you awe ..we'we all having a gweat time in the Poke-a-nose..I hope you awe enjoying it
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Rags sounds like fun to us! And what a handsome boy he is! Thanks for the update on Stewie! We're so happy that he found his forever home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Rags looks like a lamb! But cute...I think shredding papers & killing stuffies sounds normal to me. Hope you guys have fun together!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Rudy,
Thanks for coming by to see me. You are a cool looking doggie. I like the curly furs!
I never swat anyone. Usually when I meet someone new I first run and hide and then I come be with my mom to sniff out the new acquaintance. I am a nice cat. By the way, I can run really really fast, so if you chase me, I don't know if you could catch me!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We bet you look great in your smoking jacket!! Maybe we need one of those. I don't think Dad would let us wear it though. He thinks Blue Heelers are supposed to be macho, whatever that means..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Joe Stains said...

It must be fun having new friends visiting for a while. Rags is cute but not as cute as Josie!

Asta said...

didn't you see youwself in the skiing pictoowes on my bloggie??
Hope you'we taking good cawe of youw Mom
smoochie kisses

L said...

We would get along great with Rags. We love to shred stuff too!

Was that picture with the goofy hearts headband you?
Comet and BLU

Mack said...

A new lady friend is headed your way? SWEET!

Asta said...

Shhhhhh, I know nothing..hope you had a good time at home "wink wink"
love and smoochie kisses

Asta said...

Hi Rudy
How is evewyone??
I hope you'we staying wawm..not weally gweat weathew fow competitions
smoochie kisses