Sunday, August 10, 2008

Silver Medalist!

Hey I'm so happy to get the silver in Hurdles at the Pawlympics! Thanks!! It's so amazing to see all the other contenders. There are some high jumpers in our ranks! Thanks Lenny!

Yesterday Mom took me back up to the agility place where they had an all-day seminar with a couple of the teachers there, and we worked with each of them for half a day in groups of six. At the end of the day she got someone to run me and took this video... I'd never had anyone else run me but Mom so this was different! It was just a small exercise but interesting. The lady sitting in the chair is the teacher -- hey I guess she was tired! She's going to be on the USA Agility World Team once again this fall with her fantastic dog Jive. He's so fast!!!!!

All us doggies were pretty tired from running and jumping all day. By lunchtime I was napping in my crate inbetween runs. Mom was wishing she could get in there and join me too. Ew, Mom, not enough room!

I'm catching up on my Z's right now, I could probably win the Gold in Napping at the Pawlympics ... Gotta be ready for another agility trials next weekend!



Mack said...

You rock! Winning the silver is great!!

Mom didn't even enter us in any of the events - she is such a slacker!

Asta Marie said...


Before I forget what is that noise on your a scraping noise or something....something different.....looks like you run better for your that a new idea for the teacher to be so far in advance of the dog? We don't do agility but it always seesm like the person running the dog is right in front of it.
COngratulations on your medal..... that was a pawsome photo of you jumping and I bet you are tired after all those agility practices...we had earthdog practice yesterday and had a ball....

Asta Marie, WFT

Joe Stains said...

haha looks like you were just saying hey to that lady! congrats on your medal!!

Duke said...

Congratulations on your silver medal, Rudy! We are THRILLED for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Patience-please said...

Congrats on your Silver! And congrats on having a human that gets you to practice! Sigh.

wags from the whippets

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA look at you go!!!!!!!!!! And congrats on your medal!!! YES Rudy the earthdog is in Gardener!! Did you live up here??!!!!! Oooh we wish you still did and we could go together!!(it is soooo buggy there though!!!!!!!!!!!)Love and kisses A+A

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulation for your silver medal...

u are so well trained that u can be run by a different handler... i can never do that...

Dewey Dewster said...


Yep you're right if yer talkin' 'bout the lady with the dachshunds...her name is Sandy and her and her husband own the property that the earthdog club practice is held on....they used to live in the house right up the hill from the club....

Dewey Dewster here...

Lenny said... are a repeat winner! Come check out the High Jump event!

Your friend, Lenny