Thursday, February 12, 2009

Silver Thursday and a Fun Video

Hi everyone!

It's Silver Thursday, so in honor of that I've dug up a couple of silver items we have here ---

The first is my Silver Medal from last summer's Pawlympics! woohoooo

Then we had a birthday recently, Josie's 6th, so there was silver everywhere. Josie is at that 'mysterious' age so we don't put her real age on the ice cream anymore..
Check out the "Woodchuck Draft Cider", that's from our Earthdogger pals. Dennis hates it but Mom thinks it's just fine..

Everybody LOVES the peanut butter flavored Frosty Paws ice cream! Josie's taking a break while eating hers..

My new blue jacket has silver edges on it, too. (can't tell very well from this pic) Could be it's for seeing in the dark, maybe??

And now for some fun, we got a video of our Bedlington pal Scout from California in the finals at the AKC Agility Invitationals!!! She ended up 6th in the 16" division. You'll hear her owner talk about Scout getting overstimulated at indoor trials and then shutting down --- Mom has to laugh --- I'm overstimulated ALL the time and I just get crazy! Mom's just hoping I'll calm down enough next month at the agility trials in Kentucky to put in a good showing when all our Bedly pals (including Scout) will be there!


Poopsie aka Blue said...

Well done Rudy!
Didn't realise you were a Paw Olympician.
TY for playing.

Pats & pets

Gus said...

Wooooo...we hope you do well at the agility thing. We saw a Bedlington on TV that looked a lot like you, only not sooooo handsome

Teka Toy.

Asta said...

I saw some bedlingtons at the Westminstew show, and twied to ask them about you, but they wouldn't tell me anything..I love youw agility and wish you lots of luck!!!
All those silvewy things awe pawsome!

Happy vewy belated Birfday to Josie..I'm glad you had such a nice celebwation
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry nice silver stuff!

And Mom says nice Woodchukhk stuff too!


Duke said...

Excellent silver choices, Rudy! We both got to eat ice ceam! yahooooooooo
We loved watching Scout in the video!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

We watched that on the tv and Mom told Dad about you Rudy!

Amber-Mae said...

Scout was pawsome!!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Stuffed from eating a BIG feast,
Solid Gold Dancer

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G’day Rudy,

Happy Valetines Day!

Congwatulations on the medal & the bootiful new jacket!

Come and see my sissy kitty.

xxx Asta (Oz)

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Rudy...

How many of ya are there????? That agility stuff looks like so much looks like yer friend was WIRED !!!!

SO yer Silver Thursday was a success....

Happy Belated Valentine's Day !!!!

Dewey Dewster here....