Monday, August 17, 2009

Still Running!

Hi guys!

I'm still running those agility trials; Mom got these pics back from last month and since we just did another trials this past weekend, we'll show you these before we get the new pics.

It was just Mom and me again; no Josie or Emmy -- Emmy's pretty much retired but she comes out once in a while for fun.

We had to start through a tire obstacle; this was pretty of me:

I took off faster than Mom expected!! hahahaha, she had to get the lead out real fast!

Now through the tunnel where Mom's waiting for me at the table. Looks like I'm balancing on one foot here...

Then it's hop hop hop through the weaves...

and Zooommm over another jump ---

Then I start my one-foot balancing act again ..

And hit that A-frame... that'll teach it!

Sit and grin at Mom while she's panting heavily (she'll never admit that!)

I went flying through the tunnel and then took OFF after the jump towards a wrong jump .. Mom had to call me hard to get my attention, and I'm turning at full speed to get to where she is.

I barely made it! The judge called it and Mom's friends said that wasn't cool -- no it wasn't! Argh... I was skidding like crazy.

Over a teeter, and here I'm doing my amazing levitating dog act:

I had a LOT of fun running, worrying Mom if I would try the zoomies again. She was lucky this time that I didn't!

So hey, judge, judge this! (bwaahahahahaaaa) Love that butt shot...

That's enough for now -- hope it was entertaining! Stay cool everyone, we're just hanging out in the house avoiding the heat as much as possible ..

'til next time,


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo had some serious air there!

Oh yes - warm here in Pawsylvania!


Noah the Airedale said...

Yeah Khyra is right, that is serious air!!! You're the king of agility Rudy.


Unknown said...

Nice work, Rudy! Your little boy Fizz, who's up here in VT, is super fast and gets the zoomies all the time! He's watching your blog for agility pointers for when he gets older.


MaryO said...

Rudy, you are a HOOT!
Grandma Mary

Duke said...

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, look at you go, Rudy!
Our favorite picture is the last butt shot one!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Well just watching you made us do zoomies arouind the house..Man you ARE balncing on 1/2 of one paw..YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!! Love A+A

Dewey Dewster said...

Hey Rudy.....ya sure look spectacular.....agile as anythin' sireee...sure wish we would try that sometime but with my luck I would be sittin' on the floor watchin' everyone else run....

My Mom got 2 Senior Earthdog ribbons last more to go for the sure was hot those 2 days.....we have another chance to get that title in should be cooler then....

Dewey Dewster here....

Johann The Dog said...

Great shots Rudy, those floors get slippery sometimes! Way to show the judge, dude! BOL!!!!