I'm finally back to tell you I'm going away! Not too far and not for long; we're going back to Kentucky to that big dog show and agility trials tomorrow morning. Mom let me blog tonight to tell you so you won't think I got buried in a snowbank.
We just had a lot of rain so MOST of our snow is gone, but boy did we ever get a lot. Here is what our back yard looked like while Mom was trying to dig us out some paths back there. She got tired of letting us poop on the deck!
This was the deck, believe it or not --- I'm off to explore the great white yonder!
But the snow didn't stop us from going out and having fun. A few weeks ago we went to a little agility trials, me and Josie and Emmy, at the place where we train. I was very good and the only one messing up was Mom!
I spent my share of time snoozing in a sweater on the couch. Shut that camera off so I can rest!
And this past Sunday, Dennis cooked a lot of food and he and Mom went out to the basset hunt, and while the bassets went out in the fields and woods, they fixed up all that yummy food and set it out for everybody when they came back. Ummm... smoked salmon... pork BBQ...potato salad...cole slaw...cheeeeezzzzz...crab salad...scallops...brownies.. cobbler...yum yum... We didn't get much of a taste; there wasn't much left.
All their friends sure liked it!
Well it's bedtime and Mom promises to get us up at the crack of the crack of dawn.. Josie and I are going to do 4 days of agility and Ollie will be in the dog shows on the other side of the show site. We're going in our breeder's van with 6 other dogs and altogether we'll have 6 people and 2 vehicles. Oh yeah and a trailer behind the van with all our stuff! It's a long drive to Kentucky from here -- at least 10 hours.
I packed my treats and my copy of PlayDog (shhh don't tell Mom!).
Later, sports fans!
Don't worry: your sekhret is safe with me!
Those nom noms look PAWESOME!
I think Mom is drooling too!
We wish woo safe travels to Kentukhky!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: I miss my SNOW SNOW SNOW!
Good luck everyone!
Fizz & Willow
Good luck to all of you...Keep us posted on the results. And if you see the whippets, say hi to their servant for us.
That food sure looks awesome!
Good luck and have a great time!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Gee Rudy...
Best of luck ta ya at yer trials.....we are sure glad that we missed all that snow this year......yuck...there sure was a ton of it....
Tel yer Mom that food looks pawsome....I bet all her friends were sure happy ta get a taste of it...
We.ve been missin' in action fer awhile now but we hope we whipped Gram inta shape now so we can catch up on all the news....
Dewey Dewster returns...
Woah, look at all that food! Did you get any Rudy?
Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer
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