Hi everyone!
Mom says I've been tagged again -- we had to come up with what celebrity I look most like. Guess which one I look like in these pictures!! When Mom was a little girl she used to watch Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop on TV in Minnesota, and she says I look most like Lamb Chop. I don't know about that but I think Shari Lewis is cute! The pic on the left is her daughter and ol' Lamb Chop. I know LC misses her mom now but Shari's daughter Mally takes good care of her. I've even heard of a Bedlington named Lamb Chop. Who knew!
I sort of thought I looked like John O'Hurley from "Dancing with the Stars" and "Seinfeld" (as J. Peterman) with the silver hair -- he's debonair and soooo good looking. Mom's a huge fan of "Dancing" but we can't get a picture to post tonight -- you'll just have to look him up on the web! Mom saw him in person a couple of years ago at a dog show where he was a host on TV, and he's even better looking in person! (or so she says)
There's still more stuff to talk about so I'll leave you all in suspenders (haha) 'til I write again...
Okay, Rudy- I tag you to show tummy pictures-LOL! By golly you do look like Lamb Chop! I don't know about you looking like that guy. Can you dance?
Big Wags,
OMG - it's twinsie Lamb Chops! You couldn't have chosen a more perfect celebrity Rudy! Right on the money!
Love ya lots,
Hi, Rudy! Eddie here. You asked what kind of doggie I am. I'm 1/2 Beagle, and 1/2 Westie. My hair is Westie-like, but my ears flop like a Beagle. I also have lemon patches on my back like a lemon and white beagle. My mom was a tri-colored beagle. Weird,Huh. But it works.
BTW, We love agility. Mom wanted to get me started with it, but I have disc problems in my back, so I have to play easy. :-<
thanks for checking out our site. We like your site, too!
I love that! You DO look like Lambchop ... only cuter!
PS: Send us an email at SibeTracker(the at symbol)yahoo(dot)com if you'd like the cool animated gif for the Troopers in the Ao4 to put on your blog!
Hehehe, yes you do look a lot like Lamb Chop!
Oscar x
Only thing is, poor LambChop had someone's hand up his butt all the time. Ouch!
Bussie Kissies
G'day Rudy,
My mum used to watch lamb chop too! You're a real lamby pie!
xxx Asta down under
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