Friday, April 4, 2008

My Awesome Teachers

Hi all!

It's the weekend again -- bloggin' time. Weeknights are too busy or Mom's too tired to sit with me and blog. Oh well, it gives me time to think of something to post!

The AKC National Agility Championships were held last weekend in Oklahoma (I've never been there) and two of my awesome agility teachers were there and they TOTALLY rocked! They always do well -- I look up to those two and their lightning fast dogs. Mom's threatened to replace me with a Border Collie if I don't behave but I don't think she means it... right Mom? uh, Mom....

Before she has time to think about that, here's a pic of one of my teachers running her dog over a dog walk and I know it was fast!!! That dog looks almost blurry in this pic she was going so fast.

Here they are again making mincemeat of the weave poles --- she's going MUCH faster than the picture suggests. They were 4th overall in their division, having won it last year. If I did that well there, it would be party city!!! This is our teacher that works us so hard in our private lessons. But I love her!

And here's another teacher of mine, she rocks big time with her dog. She's telling him to hurry up and jump; it's time to make a U-turn and step on it. They won their division -- awesome job you two!

There were 2 of my Bedlington buds running also, Hunter and Scout. Here's Scout, I think, looking cute through the tire jump. One day maybe I can be that dog!

So you won't miss my pretty face, here's a shot of me at Louisville in March, going MUCH slower through the weaves than my awesome teachers' dogs, but Mom says it's about physically impossible for me to zoom as fast as they do!

Just for fun, where am I in this picture?

Oh there I am - I look like I had a hard time in that chute!

Mom found out we don't have a cord to load videos from the video camera to the PC so we can't do videos yet. It's always something.

So I hope you enjoyed the pics --- see you later!

p.s. I heard Isabella is still scared of thunderstorms. Hey Iz, call me -- I'll calm you down!


Mack said...

Wow - that looks like fun!
Mom wanted to sign me up for agility or even flyball, but the nearest group is like 2 hours away!

Stanley said...

Hey, Rudy!

I saw you over at Asta's blog and wanted to come by to say hi. I've never met a Bedlington Boy such as yourself, and you looked like my kind of buddy (plus we have a lot of friends in common I imagine).

I'm Stanley, an Airedale Boy, and I'd like to invite you to come by sometime to see me and my Lakeland sissy, Stella. ANYtime is fine with us.

Your new goober bud,

Amber-Mae said...

Woah, pawsome!!!! I see alot of BCs going sooo fast like lightnings just like the ones that were in the Agility trial last week. So kewl!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

What an awesome picture of you going through the weave poles, Rudy! Go, Rudy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like you had a lot of fun!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

hey rudy...thanks for the vote! We look forward to seeing you at the nationals soon!


Patience-please said...

Rudy YOU ROCK!!! Look at you weave! And with those fancy teachers, you've got to be good... I got attacked by a chute in my very first trial, and now I am VERY wary of those things. Looks like that one attacked you, too.
But the improtant thing is you MADE IT OUT ALIVE!!!! YAY!

your buddy-
Sam I Am whippet

Isabella said...

Hey Rudy! I see you are still working hard with the agility. You and Amber are the hardest working dogs I know.
Yes, the storms have come back to FL. and I hate them. But I have drugs now that help- and I like them alot, Linda says too much.

Asta said...

Hi Rudy
I bet it will be you soon !
youw teachew looks weally nice and I think you have the makings of the best of the best!
smoochie kisses

Urban Smoothie Read said...

great agility pic..

way to go rudy... we know one day you will be as good as the trainer's dog