Friday, April 18, 2008

Rags and the Ball

Well you know Rags has been with us, what, 2 months now? That's over a year to us dogs. That's forever! (seems like it to me, formerly the ruling male of this household) Ahem --

Anyway, one evening out on the deck he discovered the Big Orange Ball.... it's very heavy and older than us and it used to drive Uncle Nathan bananas when he was alive. He would just lose his mind so Mom kept it hidden to save her sanity.

What ever could THAT be?

Think I'll push it around and show it who's boss!

Maybe I can touch it with my nose...

Hey come back here!

Ooops -- not interesting anymore --- got to see what else is under that bench...

That big dummy, there wasn't anything else under that bench!

Hey, our breeder Linda came and took him away tonight. MAYBE he's going to his forever home but we won't know for a while. If the family decides they like him, he's not coming back and then I can re-claim my empire. Yeaaaaa!

(shhh don't tell Josie I think she likes him)



Amber-Mae said...

If the ball doesn't bounce then it's boring to me. Hmm, maybe he is going to a new home. Is it a big relief to you or will you mis him?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

We used to have a red ball just like that! You have to herd it! I wonder what ever happened to it? hummmmmmmmm
Paws are crossed that Rags has a forever home so you can be boss again, Rudy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Patience-please said...

We'll be thinking our best positive thoughts for Rags' home to work out.

and.... Super CONGRATS on that Q for you, Rudy Tootie!!!! Woo-HOOOOO!!!

big big wags from the whippets and smiles from the servant

Joe Stains said...

We sure hope he found his forever home, for all involved!!

Asta said...

It was so nice of you to shawe youw house wif Rags..I hope he does get his fuwwevew home and you get youw title back.. that's the pwoblem wif big balls ..they don't come back once you push them
love to you all
smoochie kisses