Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Cold Box

Hi all!

Mom finally helped me check my bloggie again and we were tagged by Maggie and Mitch to tell everyone about our own cold box! We have two but I'll show you the big one in the kitchen. The little one is only for the humans' water bottles. They have so many bottles in there...

This is the outside of the big one. You can see lots of junk on the front -- some Bedlington magnet thingies, a ribbon magnet, and those circles are hiding a pack of heartworm tablets (yummy) we get once a month. The kitchen is still a mess 'cause Uncle Dennis has been really s-l-o-w about finishing it up! (long story)

This white bottle on the left is what Mom gives us to keep us strong and able to do all the things she wants us to! Especially me, I'm her 'star' agility dog. Now I don't know what the green bottle is, but Mom won't give us that at all. Maybe she should move it in case she forgets and gives us that...

She says we poop enough in the yard, we don't need any more help out of that green bottle!

Now look if you dare! It's the inside of the Cold Box, and it's full of stuff. At the bottom we have some watermelon Mom had but didn't finish. As you can see we have no need of any more squash on that upper shelf, Mom's got a ton of yellow squash plants that volunteered this spring and are popping out little yellow guys right and left. It's a regular squash farm on that one side of the veggie garden!

Oh yes, we have squash....

On the stove --

On the countertop along with a zucchini --

And we even have a Siamese squash for the freakishly inclined. Yup, it's joined at the hip, if you can find 'em on a squash! One plant kept producing weird joined squashies. It didn't last long, it probably died of shock!

I've had a piece of squashie, it was cooked in butter with tomato, zucchini, a little onion, and bacon bits! It was that last ingredient that made it great. Yum!

Mom's going to take more squash to work and give it away. She did that last week and most of it was taken. She picked even more tonight. She's got so many plants out there, she hasn't even counted.
Just wait you guys, she's got 14 tomato plants out there, too... and a corn patch!

So show us your Kenmores! (or GE's or whatever) Mom is a blogging idiot so she hasn't been able to patch in a link to Maggie's blog but that's who tagged us. That was fun!

I was also awarded this cool new blog award by Maggie you see at the top on the left. Mom being slow can't do links to anyone yet (help!) but she said to tag Arabella's Non Blog, MaryO's Musings (my GrandMom!), Patience-Please, Asta's Place, Dewey Dewster my Earthdog pal in PA, Amber-Mae, and Mack!

The rules for accepting the award are as follows:

1. Add the logo of the award to our blog

2. Add a link to the person who awarded you

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Add links to those blogs on your blog

5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!

I have more news later. This week we've been hosting another young Bedlington with puppy issues. He's been shy at first but now he's running and playing with us like he lives here. Mom promised me he's going home Friday morning. I'm counting on you Mom!!! She took pics so you can meet him later.



Joe Stains said...

We love squash! mom just gives it to us raw or steams it! she likes to grill it!

Amber-Mae said...

A squash? I have no idea what that fruit is! They don;t sell those here in Malaysia. Is it a fruit or vege? Your cold box is nice. But I see nothing in the fridge that are yours...What's up with that???

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

You have wallymelon and squash in your frige too, Rudy! Since my cold box photo was taken we have squash coming out our ears, just like you do! We're making lots of friends with our neighbors!
Thanks for playing!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Patience-please said...

Heya, Rudy Tootie! We didn't even know we were tagged, we just came to visit! Hey your mom can cook up some of that squash and put it in your guys' food and it is soooo yum! There is a link on our blog to the video of Saturday night at the world show, and in the breeder's groups have a group of Bedlingtons, and we thought maybe it would be your grandog???

we'll do the tag after the Swedish reports are done, ok?

wags from the whippets

B said...

Hey Rudy,

Cool fridge ans squashes, we're still waiting for our garden to produce anything, I'll post about my cold box soon!
