Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Agility Weekend

Whew I survived another agility weekend with Mom! (MOM: Heyyyy!)
No really, we ran fast and had 3 runs per day instead of the usual 2 runs like we do in AKC all the time. (MOM: this was USDAA, another agility organization)
It was exciting! The courses were all indoors in a big building with huge arenas they call a soccer dome. Good thing it was all indoors 'cause it was HOT outside. Every time I went outside to do my business I was panting and not from excitement.

Anyway, we did great on Saturday and I won 3 ribbons! I was second in Gamblers, third in Standard and third in the Pairs Relay. Not bad -- there were lots of doggies competing in our classes! Since this was our third ribbon in Pairs we got a new title! It's the "SR" title which I never heard of but it's "Starters Relay". Cool! Starters is the beginning level in USDAA 'cause we're new to this group.

Here's a pic of me and my loot from Saturday (Josie must be chewing on the toys I got as prizes!)

I forgot to mention I got a cool new haircut last Thursday so I'd look good and run real fast out there. I think it worked!

Sunday, well, that's another story. Y'see, the courses were in this huge arena so there's lots of room to RUN, and to me it's really hard not to take off like a real fruitcake and start doing laps or something crazy. I love to go running and I forget sometimes who's in charge here!
I tried real hard to be good on Saturday but by Sunday I couldn't help myself... I was OK in Standard but did something funny, we can't remember what it was, so we didn't qualify. If we'd been good we would've been fast enough for another 3rd place. Oops! Then it all went downhill after that.

In Snooker I almost took the wrong course but Mom caught me in time, and soon after that I veered left as she was going right and took the wrong jump. That was it, I was done! I had lost it.
I was having too much fun out there and not listening again.. uh oh.. Momma don't like!

She's forgiven me now so we're good again, but all the excitement from the weekend has me tuckered out.

I'm so happy next weekend is free! Mom is working on getting Josie ready for her very first trials in September and wants to take her to a show-and-go for extra practice in a couple of weeks. Go on you guys, knock yourselves out, I'm going to snooze!



Patience-please said...

Congratulations, Rudy! You are really on a roll!!!

wags from the whippets

Agatha and Archie said...

WOW!!!! THREE!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are quite some pup!!!! Love A+A

Duke said...

Congratulations, Rudy! You are one talented boy! We love your hairecut!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dewey Dewster said...

COngratulations Rudy on those pawsom ribbons....guess yer like me...ya just don't want ta performa all the, I'm thinkin' about whether I want ta do earthdog or not....but since we have 2 of the rats stayin' here fer awhile...I decided that I do want the dare them stay out in our garage where i can smell 'em real good...I'm gonna get 'em fer sure....Rest up fer yer next trial...'n good luck...

Dewey Dewster here....

Johann The Dog said...

Wow Rudy! Sounds like you did pretty doggone good! Nice ribbons. Good for you. Woofs, Johann

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulation to ur great weekend!

Mack said...

Congrats my man!!

Maybe you can get some good rest in this long weekend!

Asta said...

Hi Rudy
I hope you'we having a gweat weekend..awe you agilitying???
smoochie kisses