Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Award and another Brag!

Mom had a breakthrough and figured out how to copy this award from Dewey Dewster! I think Mom needs an award for figuring this out! (yea, clap clap)

I'd like to pass this on to:

Isabella (our long-lost poodle pal!)

and probably everybody I know has already been tagged! Oh well...

Mom didn't think to take pics of the garden today, our big conservation effort these days, but for the other challenge of Dewey's, here are a couple of things we're doing to conserve around here:

We got a newer, more energy-efficient front door last year (and windows in 2004) --

Replaced a lot of old gray PVC pipe in the kitchen with copper, since the old stuff tends to BREAK (ask Mom and Uncle Dennis about the Great Flood of 2005). Wasted a lot of water that night and on earlier leaks!

They try to keep the lights turned off a lot:

("Hey I can't see in here!")

And now I have another brag for ya -- been saving this one ---
I'm a cover boy in the latest issue of our Bedlington breed quarterly! They featured some performance Bedlingtons and Mom got me a pic on the cover with some of my pals! Check it out, I'm on the lower right, flying out of an agility tunnel in Louisville KY last year:

Then all the Moms wrote a little bit about their doggies on the inside. Mom's article is on the right (you'll want to click on it to be able to read anything!)

Mom thought this issue was the best since the cover looked so nice. They usually have someone's dog show win picture and that gets really old after a few hundred issues.

You all have a great rest-of-the-weekend!



Amber-Mae said...

Oooh, I love that issue & you look like you were rocking away in that magazine!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

wow, you are a superstar!!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulations for being the cover boy... u r FAMOUS!

Duke said...

Congratulations, Rudy! What an honor! We are very proud of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Musketeers said...

mmmm , indeed ! carrots are our favorite ! hehe ! Do take lots of care alright (:

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Rudy...

Glad ta see we can finally see yer blog...was it really blank or was it only blank fer us?

Loved the magazine article and yer picture on the cover....yer a real terrier and ya should be proud that ya can do so much....I hope I can learn earthdog and agility too as well as ya have....guess I better get goin' and practice....those rats are still here and drivin' me nuts....

Dewey Dewster here....

Mack said...

You're famous!!

Can I have your pawtograph???

B said...

Good work with all the improvements on your house - it sure does feel good to save the world that way.

Congratulations as well!