Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Tribute

I WAS going to post some more pics tonight but Mom found an agility video she thought I should post instead; it's awesome and very moving. We never met this agility team but it was so emotional. Read the intro at the beginning and Get Out Some Kleenex!!!


p.s. ADCH means Agility Dog Champion and don't ask me what Super Q means but it's a big deal!!!


Amber-Mae said...

I'm actually watching this video right now in Katie, Sam & Zorra's blog. It's really sad becoz that dog's owner has only a few weeks more to live before she goes to heaven. Really sad but yet very moving video. I'm still in tears. But that lady got her wish becoz her dog did become a champion after all!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

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Duke said...

It's an awesome video and we're so glad that the owner and her Diva got their wish, Rudy! Katie, Sam & Zorra have the same video on their blog too! Great minds think alike!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

MaryO said...

Thanks, Tootie, that's a very moving video and I can't see what I'm typing now through the teary eyes. Give your mom a hug for me.

Patience-please said...

We almost put this on our blog, but we thought you may have already. Our servant used a whole roll of paper towels and then hugged us all squeazy tight all day. She was leaky anyway because of Very Old Dog's 14th birthday, and this put her over the edge.

wags from the whippets