Friday, September 12, 2008

Action Shots from Hanna


We just got our pictures from last weekend in the mail today, so here are a few of me running while Hanna was pouring rain on us.

Boy was it pouring down rain! Mom had no idea what was coming next...

As soon as she saw me blast out of the tunnel, our first obstacle, with that wild look in my eye and legs flying, she went "Uh oh!" and started running!!

I'm havin' a good time ... see how wet my back is getting? Doesn't bother me!

Looks like Mom's ready to slip and fall! She's just crossing behind me to get me to go left over another jump. We had just finished the A-frame behind us.

It was raining so much, the chute obstacle was collecting water on it and every time a dog would run through, a shower of raindrops came flying up! COOL...

I got sooo wet after that! This is the last jump on the course --

The next day Mom was talking to the judge for this run and she said I was so much fun to watch! Wonder what she meant by that? (MOM: how about the extra jumps you took at MACH speed??)

I'll have to post some more pics from last weekend but Mom's tired. We went to another trials today and I had a lot of fun there, too. No ribbons, but a ton of fun like I usually have, and the same photographer was there so there will be more pics from today.

Time to rest up for more fun tomorrow and Sunday --



Patience-please said...

O RUDY TOOTIE!!! You are AWESOME!!! We are so impressed. Dawg how we wish our servant would get her act together and get us going again... sigh.

wags from the whippets

Dewey Dewster said...

Oh Rudy...

Yer an inspiration fer sure.....runnin' in that rain lke that and yer Mom too....sheesh....Gram woulda been meltin' like ice cream.....go Rudy....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Asta said...

You awe fantastic!!!!
I loved those shots wif the wain all ovew and youw face in a happy smile flying ovew evewything!
I wish I could do even alittle of that
smoochie kisses
pee ess..I think anyone would look gweat wif haiw like youws

Duke said...

Look at you go in that drenching rain, Rudy! We love watching you in action!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

AB clan said...

Well done Hanna!

Xsara and Tani said...

wow, these are great action shots! i love to see many different breeds doing agility and having fun :)

Dewey Dewster said...

Rudy....we have somethin fer ya on our blog...come pick it up....

Dewey Dewster here....