Monday, March 9, 2009

True Colors and it's off to Louisville

Hi all,

I'm posting a brief True Colors Thursday early 'cause Mom is so busy getting us ready to go for the big weekend in a couple of days. We have even less violet around the house but this will do for now:

Mom has these wacky violet-and-green agility pants she wears sometimes to run in. Here's a pic of us in Louisville in 2007:

She's not the only one with wacky purple pants in agility. In November last year even the judge was wearing 'em! (this is Josie jumping)

One more violet pic and we're off --- after seeing these pics, Mom quit wearing the purple pants! She might be forced to wear 'em anyway. Four days of dust and dirt in the arena is too much for just one pair...

See you next week!



Amber-Mae said...

You look sooo pawsome jumping over those hurdles!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus said...

Good Luck in Looville.


Agatha and Archie said...

Oh good luck good luck! WE are so jelly!!! WE LOVE her purple pants!! We can't wait to hear all about it!! Love A+A

Asta said...

Love to see those jumping pictoowes Rudy!
Have a gweat twip
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

THAT kholour is a hit with us!

Have fun and good lukhk!


Duke said...

We love the violet pants!
Good luck in Louisville, Rudy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Fenway said... sister is in Louisville right now getting primped and preened for a major show!

I can't wait to join you on those jumps.

Your pal,

Carolina said...

You are a great jumper! And those trousers are very funky!